In life, no matter what your personal style is, it is important to dress neat and tidy, because people prefer not to deal with slobby and untidy person. There a few important concepts to keep in mind when considering your outfit, or when shopping for new clothes.
The Entire Outfit Concept
When people meet for the first time, overall appearance and impression is very important. A well put together outfit that shows some thought is more likely to make a good first impression. A person’s clothes are really three-dimensional sculptures that allow a person to express their personal style.
When buying clothes it is good to keep in mind that the overall shape and impression of the outfit. If buying a skirt and top, or pants and a top, it is prudent to consider if the texture, colour, style etc of each garment match and work well with the other. Try not to look at the bottom and top garments separately, but rather try to view them as a whole outfit.
Skin Colour Concept
This concept is one of the most important ones, and not just for women. Men must also pay attention and choose clothing that suits their skin tone. The first thing to do is work out what colours work with your skin colour. For example, if you have quite dark skin then try to avoid wearing dark grey and brown. It is important to look at potential clothes with your own skin colour, rather than judging based on the model’s skin tone.
Dressing For Your Body Type Concept
Dressing in garments that suit your body type can elevate your style and outfit to the next level. On the other end of the scale, clothes that don’t suit your body will draw attention to the wrong points. Everyone should pay attention to matching clothes and dressing to take advantage of your assets. Dressing this way allows you to draw attention away from your perceived “flaws”.
For example, if you would like to draw attention away from your hips you can wear a long pleated draping skirt or an umbrella skirt. If you have shorter legs, high waisted trousers or skirts can give the appearance of raising your waist line and lengthening your legs. The pant leg can be rolled up slightly to show the ankle, making your legs appear more slender.
Accessories Concept
Accessories and clothes go hand in hand. Accessories can transform and outfit and can define your style. Purchasing your clothes is only the base layer, you then have to consider matching hats, scarves or jewelry. Achieving the style you are aiming for can come down to effectively using accessories.
Hairstyle Concept
A person’s hairstyle can really complement an outfit. If matched cleverly it can enhance the overall style and vibe, but if the hairstyle does not match then it can make the whole outfit feel like it is not quite right. If you look at the fashion shows you will find that the new styles from fashion designers are inseparable from the hairstyle of the model.
Make Up Concept
Different outfits can be matched with different make up looks. Depending on the outfit, you may want to adopt a fresh faced minimal make up look. This would suit a day time casual look for example. If you are donning an outfit for an evening event or special occasion you may want to opt for a heavier, more glamourous make up look.
Individuality Concept
Younger women tend to take up trends quite fast, but many put their own spin on them by how they match these trend items. Sometimes, this is taken too far and the effect can be tasteless. However when done well and with skill and thought the effect will be fashionable, stylish and unique.